Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break OVER

...and so now what do you have to do?

Are you writing papers? Studying for another test? Are you applying for graduate schools, and preparing for GREs? Are you getting ready for the job market?

UNCC's Spring Break is scheduled to fall exactly in the middle of the semester (which is why, apparently, our break doesn't realiably synch up with any other schools, colleges or universities in the area). When I was teaching, this was the time of the semester when I would assign writing that would be due at the end of the semester. I figured that, even if I assigned it at the beginning, most students wouldn't work on it until after Spring Break. I wonder if I was correct.

What does your schedule look like from now until May? How are you going to fit it all in?

1 comment:

  1. Well at this point, my main concern is securing finances for the summer and fall. I'm saving up money for security deposits and plane tickets, and since I already have a pretty darn good internship secured, I'm not too worried about much else outside of getting decent grades in my classes. I'm basically just going to class and working right now.


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